Jeremy and I made a decision awhile ago that we would be homeschooling Anal

Friday, August 19, 2011
Jeremy and I made a decision awhile ago that we would be homeschooling Anal
Me and Jeremy had the opportunity to go to Hawaii for 10 days and let me just tell you it was a BLAST!! we left the kids with their aunt Celesta and we left on a jet plane. i was a little nervous leaving my babies for 10 whole days but it was totally worth it! i have a lot to post about our little trip and i will be doing that later. i just wanted to put a little bit in here so it will remind me to get busy on my vacation journal!
The big 3!!
This is a late post but better late then never right.....I still can't believe that my little baby boy turned the big 3 on July 10! It is a bitter sweet moment, of course i want my kids to grow up and enjoy the joys of life, but i secretly want them to stay little forever. i can't believe how fast they grow i just wish they would slow down a bit. it seems like yesterday i was giving birth to my sweet Jaren boy. oh how i miss him needing me for everything and w
Sunday, June 19, 2011
since Jeremy and I were going to Hawaii for 10 days and were leaving the kids behind we wanted to take them on a little fun vacation. so we took them all to Disneyland!!! and they had a blast. Jeremy's whole family got to go with us and it was so fun since a lot of them hadn't been there in years or at all. we only got to spend one day at Disney and we wanted to fit in as many rides as possible. so we found a sweet program called Ridemaxx that is made by a family of engineers. all we had to do was put in all the rides w
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Happenings!
I know it has been to long time since i last updated and i wish i had the discipline to do better. i just get to busy with life and little ones running around. we have had a lot happen in the last 5 months or so and i am not gonna even try to update on all the events. i will just write a few important ones so that i can remember them. we of course celebrated Christmas and the kids we ever so excited to open their presents. this Christmas was a little bit on the sad side since my kids and hubby all had the flu on Christmas day. as mommy was trying to do Santa stuff on Christmas Eve i got stopped to some crying from Jaren and come to find out he had thrown up while he was sleeping, so needless to say it was not my favorite night:( we at least got to sp
the next big event that we celebrated was my baby turned 5 and it was a little bit of a bitter sweet moment. Analyce was so excited to be 5 so that now she can go to school, but mommy still wishes she was my sweet little baby still. i dont know where the last 5 yrs have gone and where my baby went. she has now turned into a sweet, tender, loving, helpful, energetic little girl who is
we also celebrated Jeremys birthday on March 10th and he turned the big 29! he says he definitely feels like a old man now and is a little sacred to hit the big 30! we decided to repeat the fun horse back riding that we did for Jeremy's birthday last year, but this year we had about 9 other people join us. we had so much fun riding horses and a lot of fun since some friends could enjoy it to. we rode through south mountain and then had a deliciou
we also got to send my other baby into nursery since Makayla turned 18 months and she didnt do as well as we thought she would. she screamed uncontrollably for a good 5 minutes or so and then had to be held the rest of the time. i did get to check on her periodically since me and Jeremy are only 2 doors down in the older nursery class. fortunately we dont have either one of our babies in our class, which is a good thing because they would have a hard time transitioning when they move on. so i at least get to check on both of them throughout class time and that is comforting for me.
we also made a huge decision and got ourselves a minivan. i have never been a van person and never wanted a van, but we needed a larger vehicle and the van seemed like the smarter choice. after researching SUV i decided that economically the van was the best choice. with our minivan we have more room for the price, better gas mileage, and a newer model then we would have been able to get in a SUV. so we ended up with a Chrysler Town and Country Touring 2007, it was a year newer then our truck with less miles and cheaper payment every month. with all of those benefits we figured we couldn't say no. we have had the van now for a little over 2 week
well i believe that is the big events that have happened in the last few months and i hope to be adding some photos soon once i locate them all.
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