since Jeremy and I were going to Hawaii for 10 days and were leaving the kids behind we wanted to take them on a little fun vacation. so we took them all to Disneyland!!! and they had a blast. Jeremy's whole family got to go with us and it was so fun since a lot of them hadn't been there in years or at all. we only got to spend one day at Disney and we wanted to fit in as many rides as possible. so we found a sweet program called Ridemaxx that is made by a family of engineers. all we had to do was put in all the rides w

e wanted to hit in the one day and they put together a itinerary of what times would be the least crowded for every ride. it is supposed to cut your line waiting down by a lot! we were all pretty skeptical about the program at first but we went ahead and gave it a try and boy are we glad we did. we had so much fun running from ride to ride and having minimal waiting time. we only had to wait in line for 2 rides and it was 10 minutes at the most. this is pretty impressive since we went in June so the park was very busy and it had shortened hours because it was Grad night the night we went. we managed to go on 20+ rides all from 8am to 9pm. it seemed i

mpossible but u pulled it off and we all had Disneyland hangover the next day. we we all so worn out from running ourselves ragged the day before, but it was so totally worth it. along with all the rides we managed to squeeze in the big parade during the day and all of the kids LOVED! i think the parades are my most favorite thing there. after an amazing day at Disneyland we spent the next day at the beach and it was horrible! half of the family hadn't ever been to th

e beach and there first time was not impressive!! it was so so cold and for whatever reason the waves were not friendly. they were strong strong waves with a strong undertow. so for the people who were brave enough to go out into the ice had to then worry about get knocked over on the behind. by the time we would make our way back up from getting thrashed we would be a lot farther out then we would have liked. the only good thing about the ocean in Cali is it's always cold and our bodies are pretty amazing at handling it by turning numb. so after 30 minutes of shivering it felt like a warm bath water, un

til you hit something and then it felt like you finger was gonna fall off. for all the wimps who thought it was to cold they all sat in the sand with jackets on. even though it wasn't the best beach experience we all still had so much fun! we then went to the Mormon Battalion Museum on our way home and that was really fun. we learned a lot about the pioneers and also got to pan for gold! all the kids thought t

hey were rich and couldn't believe they got to take 2 whole pieces of gold home with them (only if it were real gold) we then made one more stop at Jamba juice and then headed the 5 1/2 hours home. it was a short 3 day trip but we made some great family memories. we all took the next few days off from life to get over the vacation han

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